The Healing Power of Comedy

The Healing Power of Comedy

Still reeling from the sudden death this week of my beloved boy, McLovin Ogata. Around the house he was Protector-In-Chief, Food Tester Extraordinaire and Pro-Level Head Scratch Enthusiast. Adding to the sorrow, his sister Nala passed away just two months prior. What...
How To Steal A Show In 6 Words

How To Steal A Show In 6 Words

Crap. Rest In Peace, Tim Conway. Thank you for some of the most uproariously wonderful moments of television and comedy we’ll ever get to experience. When I was a kid, watching The Carol Burnett show was a mixed bag. Some of the Mama’s Family stuff I didn’t get. But,...
One Of The Greats

One Of The Greats

Every now and then this world is lucky enough to catch a glimpse of wonder before it vanishes off into the cosmos, like ‘Oumuamua. That was the comedic powerhouse, Greg Giraldo. For a brief moment way back in 2004 I crossed paths with him. Jamie Masada, owner of the...
Havana Good Time

Havana Good Time

Hey good people, just back from Cuba. What a trip, literally and figuratively. America and Cuba have had our issues in the past. Cuban Missile Crisis, anyone? But as good as we are at holding grudges here in the USA (see: 61+ year embargo that is still in effect), the...
The Guinea Pig

The Guinea Pig

Just back from last night’s launch of a brand-new comedy venue and I just realized something: I am a comedy guinea pig. A humorous lab rat. A performing test monkey. Allow me to explain. It seems to me that when someone is starting up a new comedy show, in a...
Mucho gusto, Me Llamo Ortega.

Mucho gusto, Me Llamo Ortega.

How is my new year starting out? Is it all good? Glad you asked. Look, if it’s not too much to ask, try literacy. It’s crucial to this world. It’s what separates us from the animals. There’s a difference between Monterey and Monterrey. You...