I Almost Got Murdered

I Almost Got Murdered

Guys, I almost got murdered today. Myanmar is still very much a developing country. According to the United Nations, the country ranks 145 out of 188 countries and sits between Pakistan and Angola on a scale of Human Development. I don’t even know what that...


“BE MINDFUL,” read the large letters on the side of the highway on my way to Launceston, Tasmania. Of course, it’s a Catch-22. They beg you to keep your eyes on the road, while demanding that you take your eyes off the road to see them. Part advice,...
The Unhappiest Place on Earth

The Unhappiest Place on Earth

Everything has its antipode, its opposite, its evil twin. Superman had Bizarro. Mr. Spock had goateed Mr. Spock. And Mammon, the second prince of Hell, had Dick Cheney. For Disneyland, I believe I have found its Garth of Izar in Singapore’s Haw Par Villa. For...
Yes, You May Photograph My White Guy

Yes, You May Photograph My White Guy

Tourists from remote parts of China come to Beijing to see things they cannot see in their home towns. You know, things like The Forbidden Palace. And white people. While walking around the Palace with American comedian (and current Beijing resident) Gus Tate, I was...
Chinese Menu 2: Nutrition Combined With Discount

Chinese Menu 2: Nutrition Combined With Discount

Back in April, when I was last in mainland China doing shows, I told you about the crazy English translations on Chinese menus. Well, I’m back in Beijing this week and caught more of these wonders of culinary miscommunication. They have to be joking, right?...