

Sorry for the lack of posting. I’ve been away. You should try disconnecting from the world for a bit. It’s liberating! And now for a story of my rendezvous with Jordana Brewster and a cautionary tale of our fragile planet. As the title of the post...
Scenes From China

Scenes From China

Just back from doing some very fun shows in China. Let me show you some of the pretty mind-blowing things I saw. But first, while there, I was interviewed by a couple of magazines. Click to read the Q&A’s and you’ll probably learn something about me...
The Door

The Door

I have had comedians ask me, “Hey Paul, I see you performing around the world all the time. Let me buy you dinner at Morton’s and pick your brain about getting my foot in the door.” Nobody (NOBODY) loves Morton’s Cajun Ribeye steak more than I...
A Really Really Really Bad Travel Day

A Really Really Really Bad Travel Day

I don’t know how much glamour you think surrounds the very low rungs of the showbiz ladder which I inhabit, but last night a lady shit on my leg. That’s not some crazy euphemism for someone ruining my day. As in, “What? Arby’s discontinued...
Man Vs. Worm

Man Vs. Worm

Just back from a bunch of amazing shows in Malaysia. I always love doing shows there, and especially in Kota Kinabalu as it reminds me of where I grew up in Hawaii. But in KK (as the locals call Kota Kinabalu) they have a dish I never ever encountered my whole life...