The Healing Power of Comedy

The Healing Power of Comedy

Still reeling from the sudden death this week of my beloved boy, McLovin Ogata. Around the house he was Protector-In-Chief, Food Tester Extraordinaire and Pro-Level Head Scratch Enthusiast. Adding to the sorrow, his sister Nala passed away just two months prior. What...
A Dangerous Job

A Dangerous Job

I keep telling people I have a dangerous job. However, Alaskan crab fishing and ice road trucking get all the hype about their high risk of death. Allow me to state my case. Outside of comedy, I don’t know of any other occupation where the general public...
The World’s Oldest Profession

The World’s Oldest Profession

Generally, prostitution is regarded as “the oldest profession.” Not to be confused with Walmart greeter, which is “the oldest people’s profession.” Seriously, will nobody under the age of 80 do this job? Seems pretty easy, just wave hello...