Paul Ogata

Comedian | Wanderer | Part-time Porn Star


I’ve done shows all over the planet, from a Colorado laundromat to a gilded theater in Kuala Lumpur. And I’ve entertained all kinds of people, from royalty and heads of state to a homeless crackhead and his dog. So please come out to laugh in person and even out the ratio.

Me Me Me Meeeee

Esquire Magazine in Singapore called me a, “world class iconoclast.” But I don’t even know what that is. Read more about what others are saying, and other assorted propaganda.

Latest From The Blog

I unscrewed my head and emptied it out onto your screen. Updates, announcements, screeds and a recipe or two. Read on.
F#©k Halloween

F#©k Halloween

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the epoch of treats, it was the epoch of tricks, it was the hope of superhero costumes, it was the despair of being Robin. I'm often asked in interviews how I became a comedian, and I can trace it to...

Afghan Time Machine

Afghan Time Machine

Everything in Afghanistan is a reminder of the past. One of the most important things you will see at Bagram Air Field is an actual steel girder from the World Trade Center. This is why we are here.   Aside from the regularly scheduled shows, we took every...

Blam! SPAM! Damn!

Blam! SPAM! Damn!

Don't complain about paying your taxes, it means you have a job. I'm so lucky to have one that I love. Just had another of my most favorite days at work, and once again it comes courtesy of the US military. Foremost it is because I am getting to meet the most amazing...



TV/Film Bookings

Norm Hopson (

Personal appearance booking