Comedy is a dangerous job. I’ve been on stage in many perilous places: an outpost in Afghanistan; a chemical weapons disposal facility on Johnston Island; a bar in Oakland.

Heck, I’m in Malaysia very often, and it turns out that region is more dangerous than I previously thought. Check out this shot of the flight map channel on a recent flight I took from Malaysia to Indonesia:

Crazy Flight Path

This was before the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, but still I knew something was wrong. Had this been after MH370, you can bet I would have kicked in that cockpit door and attempted to put my GTA V flight skill to good use.

Despite all this peril, do you think we get any respect? No. There are magazines for professions such as lawyers, interior designers and even government executives. (See photo at top of this post.) Government executives? Spice Up Your Break Room! Five Things Employees Crave From Supervisors!

And yet there are few print options for comedians and those interested in comedy. Until now, that is!

There’s a new publication called Mirth + More, and their debut issue is at all major bookstores and newsstands across the country… of Malaysia. Yes, it’s a Malaysian mag, but it deals with comedy in general. In fact, full disclosure, they interviewed me for a piece in their first issue about comedy in the Western Hemisphere. It’s a good read, and you should rush out and grab a copy!

And if you can also find me a copy of that Government Executive magazine, I’m dying to see what the hell that is all about too.


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