I appreciate whenever a club, theater or venue at which I am performing goes out of their way to tell their customers that I will be there. Posters, flyers and, yes, especially the marquee. So it was with mixed feelings when I came across the website for The Ranch, the club where I will be performing tonight. (See picture above.)

My initial reaction wasn’t that I was offended. Instead, I wondered if I should be offended.

I’ll admit the image is something I created by remixing an old Mao poster, and it is the actual picture on the disc of my comedy album, Paul Ogata Stands Up: Live In Hong Kong. (It is on the physical disc, if you buy a CD at a live show.) But the text, “Crick Here Fo Ticket”? That’s all The Ranch’s doing.

In my act, I spend a chunk of time explaining how words only have the power we give to them. At a comedy show, especially, we should leave our issues and problems at the door and just have a good time. Much like in Hawaii, where people remove their footwear before coming in the house, leaving a pile of soiled, smelly slippers, sandals and shoes outside, the party is going on inside, unsullied by whatever the guests may have stepped in beforehand.

If you leave a Hawaii party early enough, you may be able to upgrade your footwear.

So in the spirit of leaving my slippers outside, I will not be offended and will be at The Ranch tonight to bring the funny as usual. And I will probably rip the owner a new asshole on stage about this whole mess. ROR.

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